Satisfying energy needs throughout the country and ensuring security of electricity supply significantly contributes to Poland’s economic growth, which is reflected in increased income and life qualify of Poles. Such impact of PSE on economic growth is possible owing to the company’s cooperation with numerous enterprises.
As a contributor of taxes and other levies, we have a positive impact on the local, regional and national budgets, enabling many significant projects to be financed.
- Management of the Polish Power System operation
- Contractors for new build, upgrade and repair projects performing work on grid assets;
- Management of human resource and active cooperation with the company's environment.
Added value generated in the economy
Employees hired and new jobs created
Wages paid
- Direct dimension. It results from the activities of our company – such as the number of employees hired at PSE.
- Indirect dimension. The results of our expenditure on ensuring the secure, dependable and cost-effective operation of the Polish Power System are the created added value and jobs as well as a positive impact on wages not only for the personnel of our direct contractors and suppliers but also of their partner enterprises representing many industries.
- Induced dimension. As a result of the activities we undertake, incomes of our employees and personnel employed by contractors, suppliers and subcontractors are growing. Consequently, demand and consumption in the market increase, which leads to a growth of production and services provided in many sectors of the economy.
By adding the calculation results for each of the three dimensions, the total effects generated by PSE are obtained.
Impact of PSE on the Polish economy

4,36 mld zł
added value

2 320

206,5 mln zł
salary value

1,86 mld zł
added value

9 652

370 mln zł
salary value

512 mln zł
added value

5 536

95 mln zł
salary value
Added value
PLN 6,73 bn total added value generated in the Polish economy in 2018 by the activities of PSE
- The direct added value created by PSE in the power sector (electricity production and transmission) was PLN 4,36 bn.This means almost nine times the planned expenditure on the expansion of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure3.
- In the industries in which we purchase equipment, materials and services, and in related industries, we contributed to the creation of a total added value of was PLN 1,86 bn4.
- We significantly contributed to increasing demand in the economy owing to wages paid to our employees, and employees of our suppliers and sub-suppliers across the chain of supply. The wages enabled us to create an induced added value in 2018 in the amount of PLN 512 m.
[4] In calculating the indirect effect, funds were excluded, remitted by PSE to the Settlement Body in respect of the RES charge and stranded costs, which are financial transfers not recognised as indirect consumption.

17 508 jobs – the total number of jobs maintained in the Polish economy in 2018 owing to PSE’s activities
- In 2018, the average number of persons employed at PSE was 2 320 employees.
- By awarding contracts for the implementation of new build, upgrade and repair projects, and cooperation with many suppliers and sub-suppliers, and in sectors related to them, we support 9 652 jobs.
- As a result of increase in population income, consumer demand grows, as consequently does employment. In an induced manner, we provided 5 536 in different branches of the economy.
One job in our company creates more than 6 additional jobs across the economy.

PLN 672 m – total value of wages created in the Polish economy in 2018 owing to the activities of PSE
- The total amount of wages in our company in 2018 amounted to more than PLN 206,5 m.
- Owing to purchases from our suppliers and links in the economy between different branches, suppliers and sub-suppliers could pay wages to their employees in the amount of more than PLN 370 m.
- Wages paid directly at our company and indirectly in the branches in which we purchase materials and services, positively contributed to increasing household consumption, which created new jobs and wages generated in an induced manner, the value of which amounted to PLN 95 m in 2018.
Every zloty spent at our company on wages generates more than 2 zlotys of additional wages in the whole economy.

Our support for the general government
PLN 1,17 bn – total amount of taxes, charges and social security contributions paid by PSE to the state budget, local government budgets and the Social Insurance Fund in 2018.
This amount corresponds to the value of almost all application for subsidies, loans for thermal upgrading of single-family houses and replacement of heating stoves for more environmentally-friendly heat sources.