Impact on society and employees
Our activities and ensuring the continuity of electricity supply determine Poles wellbeing.

It is PSE’s particular concern to ensure the security of employees and contractors’ personnel providing services to our company. Therefore we incessantly take care of the development and security of our technical infrastructure.

We are a modern organisation fostering an innovative working environment. We care about the development of internal competences of our employees. We want to constantly strengthen the unique knowledge base in the organisation and the expertise of the PSE staff responsible for maintaining a secure and stable power system.

We are keen to strengthen awareness and educate the public about the functioning of the electricity market.

Development of regions and local communities

Cooperation with local governments

GRI 103-1
As an exemplary investor and good neighbour, we attach special importance to establishing and developing relations with local authorities. We involve representatives of voivodeship, poviat and commune authorities in the decision-making process in the course of project implementation.
In coordination with the local and regional administration, we provide comprehensive and reliable information on investment projects, making the public aware of the benefits they offer to the commune concerned.
Activities pursued by PSE aimed at building awareness of the significance of investment and maintaining or creating a positive attitude to it:
  • direct discussions with municipality mayors and commune heads on the target investment design,
  • presentations during commune council sessions devoted to investments issues,
  • open information and consultation meetings for local communities, held to hear opinions and suggestions on the optimum route of a new line in a given area,
  • engaging mayors, commune heads and councillors, as well as representatives of units, in communication activities at later stages of the project (through educational programmes, participation in meetings, conferences, consultations with residents, etc.),
  • arranging study visits in the neighbourhood of the existing infrastructure, held by specialists from an accredited laboratory performing EMF impact measurements.
  • arranging site visits to demonstrate the immediate environment of a project after its completion,
  • ongoing contact with project stakeholders via a helpline and information points to guarantee two-way communication between the investor and residents.
  • distribution of information materials assisting discussions with residents (information folders, Q&A documents, information/educational videos).

Activities pursued by PSE aimed at preventing a change of attitude to investment projects:
  • organising local and regional conferences concerning power lines, with a special focus on sensitive aspects affecting the commune,
  • organising meetings with experts in the field of power engineering, impact on the health and life of people and animals, as well as with physicians, growers, etc. – depending on demand and significance of issues in the particular area,
  • winning support for investment projects from local media, associations and residents through meetings and by involving them in the communication process,
  • creating special information points providing all necessary information on projects,
  • conducting a local information and educational programme in the commune, tailored to communication needs and responding to queries and doubts raised in the commune concerned,
  • supporting local social activities and initiatives undertaken by local or regional authorities,
Tab. 1. Meetings with authorities and institutions related to project implementation
Number of meetings with authorities and institutions related to the implementation of projects in 2016-2018
PSE ZKO areas 2018 2017 2016
Number of meetings Number of investment projects Number of meetings Number of investment projects Number of meetings Number of investment projects
Bydgoszcz 202 15 208 15 171 13
Katowice 112 30 91 30 125 17
Poznań 67 24 163 13 148 35
Warszawa and Radom 307 33 240 53 82 19
Total 688 102 702 111 526 84

Implementing electrical power projects, we have a common goal


meetings and events for projects implemented in 2016-2018, including 688 meetings in 2018.

Example information and consultation process
In 2017 and 2018, we conducted an information and consultation process for the 400 kV Kozienice-Miłosna line construction project.

The criteria followed by the investor in selecting the route of the line right of way were communicated:
  • at the stage initiating the information and consultation process (January/February 2017),
  • at an information meeting under the auspices of the Mazovian Voivode with representatives of Commune/Municipality Offices (March 2017),
  • in project information material (leaflets),
  • through the dedicated project website,
  • during information meetings for commune and municipality authorities (January-March 2018),
  • during information and consultation meetings with residents and property owners (January-May 2018).

Proposed and completed actions with the participation of local communities
  • Discussions with commune heads and municipality mayors to analyse local land use plans and development plans of communes in terms of possible location of transmission facilities. At that stage, we sought – in line with suggestions from members of the local and regional governments – to identify a project location that would not be in conflict with commune plans.
  • Meetings with commune councils aimed to present basic information on a project, in particular on its significance for the region and the national economy, technological and legal conditions, time schedule, line impact and the public consultation model, as well as gathering opinions on the proposed line route across the commune. Our representatives agreed with commune administrators on the continuation of the information and consultation process within the communes concerned. The timing of each meeting was agreed in consultation with village heads. Notices of the meetings were given at least 7 days in advance;
  • Contacts to the persons involved in the project and information leaflets were available at every commune office.
  • Open information and consultation meetings with residents, during which PSE representatives answered all questions from residents concerning the line, and analysed suggestions concerning the modification of the line route or location of power line pylons on specific properties. All meetings were open. The timing of the meetings was agreed with individual village heads who indicated locations convenient for residents. No later than 7 days before each meeting, village heads received information posters about the meeting. Property owners took the opportunity to ask individual questions concerning their properties, which often alleviated many concerns. On this basis, our representatives collected comments and requests of members of the public concerning the proposed route option. Requests were submitted by individual plot owners concerning minor route adjustments – tower locations. Each request was considered individually and, wherever technically possible, it was approved.
  • Direct individual discussions with all owners along the route, which provided a basis for presentation of project assumptions and final agreement of the work execution method in the case of specific properties.

Throughout the investment process, all those interested in its subject matter could familiarise themselves with current information available from:
  • project leaflets available e.g. from all commune offices and distributed at information meetings,
  • a folder on the operational security of power lines,
  • maps dedicated to individual communes (available at meetings and from commune offices in the form of folder inserts),
  • a dedicated project website,
  • a helpline operating 5 days a week and managed by specialists with comprehensive knowledge of projects.

Information on information and consultation meetings was distributed through:
  • project website,
  • commune websites (depending on the commune’s practice),
  • information posters (on village notice boards, at commune offices),
  • information points,
  • commune heads, councillors and village heads, whose involvement allowed knowledge to be communicated directly.

Investment in the development of regions

GRI 203-2
Public purpose infrastructure investments, including the construction of electrical substations and EHV lines significantly improve living standards throughout the region.
By securing stable electricity supply in a given area, PSE helps to perform a number of functions which are important from the point of view of regions and local communities.
Benefits of infrastructure investment:
  • increasing the investment attractiveness of the region by providing enterprises with appropriate conditions for the placement and development of business, generating new jobs and tax revenue for commune budgets,
  • ensuring better access to electricity due to the lack of constraints in power consumption,
  • reducing the risk of failure by replacing end-of-life plants with modern facilities,
  • reducing electric energy losses and consequently also its costs by increasing the voltage of transmission networks and using high-quality materials for their construction,
  • significant budgetary revenue from taxes paid to communes – each year, a commune receives tax revenue of 2 percent of the value of the investment implemented in its territory,
  • growth of local business – employing local companies as subcontractors, services to contractors,
  • stimulating the modernisation and development of the local infrastructure of electricity distributors,
  • increasing connection capabilities for local energy generation sources, in particular for RES,
  • creating conditions for a further dynamic development of electromobility.
Educational activities
GRI 103-1 GRI 103-2
Promoting energy security knowledge and implemented educational programmes
Areas related to power engineering and our activities as operator are highly important from the point of view of the economy and electricity consumers. They are also complicated and often incomprehensible to final consumers. Addressing this challenge, PSE has been carrying on educational actions for primary and lower secondary school pupils, as well as a series of workshops for journalists dealing with the power sector.
PSE's investments are accompanied by educational actions targeted at children and school youth, and consequently indirectly also at local communities. The activities help to build knowledge of power engineering and energy security, and to dispel investment-related concerns.
Social actions
GRI 203-1 GRI 103-3
In the face of ambitious investment and operational challenges, in April 2018 we set up the Social Activity Committee – a new opinion-giving, consulting and decision-making body appointed to perform corporate social responsibility tasks.
The role of the Committee is to provide financial support in areas where PSE conducts its statutory activities. The activities of the body covers the territory of the whole country, with special focus on the regions where PSE operates and develops its infrastructure.
The recipients of PSE social actions are local and regional authorities, institutions, local associations, foundations and other non-commercial entities engaging in charitable activities. Cooperation is conditional upon sustainable, long-term and common good-focused initiatives of local communities. .
In the first year of the Committee’s activities, we organised 5 local social projects. Under the “Ping-pong Dreams with PSE” programme undertaken with the Polish Table Tennis Association, we provided necessary sport equipment to more than 1,100 young players in 20 communes. Other projects involved, among other things, the purchase of computer equipment for local communities.
Good neighbourly actions are pursued with a view to developing and improving the attractiveness of the regions in which PSE implements investment projects. The projects were preceded by work aimed to identify local needs among stakeholder groups. On this basis, the Committee has prepared assumptions for the national grant programme “EmPower your environment” to be implemented in the years to come. More on the programme:
“PSE is the largest firm operating in Sulików commune. The extra-high voltage station situated in Mikołów has been thoroughly upgraded and expanded over the recent years, forming the foremost element of interconnection between the power systems of Poland and Germany. I’m most satisfied to note that the company is aware of social needs in rural communities and supports cultural activities in Sulików Commune in such a spectacular way.”
Robert Starzyński, Sulików commune head

Impact on local communities

GRI 103-1 GRI 413-2
Standards and regulations relating to grid assets

The impact of our company's operations on the social and natural environment is of particular significance in the case of new-build overhead line projects.
The projects are implemented under the latest European standards PN-EN 50341 on designing overhead power lines.
In doing so, we respect all legal acts applicable in Poland in the fields of environmental protection, spatial planning and management, property management, construction law, etc.
European standards
The standards applied in designing and building new lines ensure a high level of operational dependability of lines, a high level of public security, and minimise line impact on the environment. In order to limit tree clearance in forest areas, we follow the practice of running line wires over the forest, owing to which tree clearance can be limited to small areas – only to accommodate pylon sites.
For the construction of any line, it is necessary to obtain a decision on environmental conditions, according to which wires or pylons are marked with features visible to birds (representations of predatory birds on lighting arresters or diverter spirals suspended from wires). In compliance with the applicable law, lines are also marked as aviation obstructions.
Devices, instruments and systems installed at substations also meet the requirements of the European standards, which ensures a high level of their operational dependability. Solutions are also used which reduce the environmental impact of an electrical substation, including the natural environment. Each network transformer installed is equipped with an oil tray preventing oil spillage into the environment in the event of failure.
Establishment of rights to real property
In order to regulate legal relations concerning transmission facilities between transmission undertakings and property owners on whose land such facilities are situated, the term "transmission easement" was introduced in the Civil Code in 2008. The right of transmission easement defines the extent to which a transmission undertaking can use third-party property on which their transmission equipment is or will be situated, i.e. any structures and facilities forming power lines. The provisions adopted provide the investor with access to facilities, i.e. pylons, wires and substation elements situated on the property in cases of failure, repair and maintenance.
Transmission easement is a limited property right established on a real property in the form of notarial deed. Its scope is recorded in the land and mortgage register of the encumbered property.
According to the applicable law, remuneration and compensation for property value diminution resulting from the establishment of transmission easement is paid to each property owner.
Prior to the commencement of work, we have property appraisal reports prepared for the property to be developed. The reports provide a basis for the determination of the amount of remuneration and compensation for the plot owner. The payment amount is influenced by factors such as the existing value and use of the property and damage to agricultural land, sown or gathered crops, caused by a part of property being occupied by transmission facilities. Additional compensation is payable for pylon placement. Owners usually receive the first compensation instalment after the civil-law agreement is accepted and concluded. The second instalment is paid after the signing of the notarial deed that provides the investor with access to the land and line. Compensations are also awarded for damage and losses caused in the course of construction and erection works.
In the absence of the landowner’s consent to sign the public utility project easement agreement, following the completion of the entire negotiation process, the negotiation procedure is triggered in accordance with the requirements of Article 124 of the Property Management Act. However, the administrative procedure is the last resort in the negotiation process – before it is applied, steps are taken to reach a compromise solution.
We do not keep statistics of the number of transmission easement agreements concluded with property owners by contractors acting on our behalf. This concerns thousands of plots every year. We estimate the percentage of the agreements concluded at 94-98 percent, while the remaining 2 to 6 percent are administrative decisions issued under Article 124 of the Property Management Act (PMA).
Number of people physically or economically displaced and compensation for displacement
As early as the investment planning stage, we endeavour to ensure that our investment projects interfere as little as possible in human life. Wherever possible, we consider several options of project location. We also invite representatives of local communities and local governments to cooperate. We make all efforts to avoid displacement in consequence of our projects. In 2018, no case of displacement occurred.
Number of persons physically or economically displaced and compensations

Number of persons physically or economically displaced and compensations by project type


*In connection with the expansion of the 400/220/110kV Grudziądz Węgrowo substation, two persons were displaced in 2017: father and daughter, who were co-owners of two plots of land necessary for the expansion of the substation. The purchase was finalised in Q1 2017.
Line impact
All electrical equipment generates an electromagnetic field around it, which is results from the presence of voltage and current flow. Extra-high voltage lines belong to this group of equipment. Low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic field is created around the line, of the same type as that generated by a vacuum cleaner or washing machine – electrical appliances used in every home. The impact of electromagnetic fields is a common subject of discussions on the potential impact on human health.
The results of surveys carried out so far around the world do not confirm concerns about the negative impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields on human health and other living organisms, nor do they rule out such impact. It is exactly for this reason that Poland and the whole of the European Union have adopted relevant laws and regulations specifying, with a large safety margin, the acceptable values of impact of power facilities. Our company strictly observes the law. Prior to putting a facility into service, electromagnetic field measurements are performed, which are then subjected to verification by environmental protection bodies, which eliminates the risk of non-compliance.
Read the World Health Organisation (WHO) publication "Environmental Health Criteria No 238 - Extremely Low Frequency Fields”, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007.
For each investment project performed, we prepare information guides addressed to local communities, which contain reliable information on the investment concerned, including its environmental impact. The impact of electromagnetic fields is always one of the elements of a programme of regional conferences organised by contractors in cooperation with us.
The emitted noise level depends on the power line design and weather conditions (it is much higher during drizzle and rain, which is beyond our control). Noise coming from newly designed lines outside the rights of way does not exceed environmental limits.
The main noise sources at our substations are transformers. We use equipment with a reduced sound power level and advanced cooling solutions. In special cases, noise screens are erected to suppress noise.
Landscape values
The problem of a power line view, even a distant one, from a window is one of the main causes of social protests. For each project, we aim to integrate the line into the landscape so as to minimise any negative aesthetic effect. By assumption, we avoid routing power lines across areas of special landscape value.
Electric shock or lightning stroke
Our extra-high voltage lines are fitted with ground wires. This means that the risk of lightning stroke in their vicinity is reduced. However, elementary caution is always required to be maintained near a line – in particular when performing work with the use of farming equipment.
Failure removal
Owing to a lack of legal norms governing transmission rights of way for power lines built in previous years, sometimes problems arise on privately-owned land, as repair teams' access to the properties concerned is hindered or prevented. Hindering access to a site extends the time to remedy a failure or perform a repair, which causes problems, especially for the local electricity consumers.
GRI 413-1
We analyse the impact of our investment projects on the local community (in 100 percent of cases)
Minimising the negative social impact of projects being implemented – examples:
  • In 2018, work started on the Gdańsk Przyjaźń substation construction site (Żukowo commune, Pomorskie voivoideship). The facility is being erected at a location that has been selected in a long process of public consultations and coordination. The dialogue conducted by our company with the local community and the local authorities representing it resulted in a radical modification of the original facility location plans. In accordance with the residents’ expectations, the substation is being constructed at a site that is separated from housing by a forest. Thanks to that, the facility interferes with the landscape to a minimum extent and – in the opinion of the residents themselves – it will not be a noxious neighbour. Work on the substation project, now in its second year, does not cause any controversies or protests.
  • For upgrade projects:
    • Upgrade of the 220 kV Rożki-Kielce line
    • Upgrade of the 220 kV Kozienice-Rożki line
    • Upgrade of the 220/110kV Rożki substation
Upgrade from the existing single-circuit 400 kV interconnector to a double-circuit line, with the right of way reduced from 80 m to 70 m. As a result a part of the property under transmission easement has been freed up.
  • Construction of the 400 kV Kozienice-Miłosna line
Upgrade from the existing single-circuit 400 kV interconnector to a double-circuit line with the right of way width reduced from 80 m to 70 m (35 m both ways from the line axis). As a result a part of the property under transmission easement has been freed up.
GRI 102-40 GRI 102-42 GRI 102-43
Tab 2. Our stakeholders and forms of their involvement
Target group Characteristics Communication tools and techniques*
Direct measures
Regulator The President of ERO is responsible for regulation of the power sector and for competition promotion.
We agree with the President of ERO, among other things, the Development Plan for meeting the current and future electricity demand and its updates.
Direct meetings, industry conferences, PSE Impact Report presenting in an integrated manner financial and non-financial data, website.
Contractors for investment projects Third-party companies selected through public and non-public tendering procedures. They act for an on behalf of PSE, influence opinions of local communities and local authorities, and form the image of our company as an investor. Direct meetings, industry conferences, internal training, efficient communication on investment tasks under Social Communication Programmes (folders, website, press briefings, conferences, films, educational programmes, etc.) defining communication good practices and guidelines, and cooperation under the principles of sustainable development.
Public administration, local authorities Transparent and professional information and educational activities within the framework of social communication contribute to building proper relations. Direct meetings, letters of intent, dedicated specialised conferences, general corporate, specialised and investment-related folders, an expert magazine, PSE impact report presenting in an integrated manner financial and non-financial data, website.
Public opinion, local communities Public opinion, local communities A key group from the point of view of infrastructural investments. Convincing immediate neighbours to accept an investment project and establishing the transmission easement are essential to the lead time of the project. Contact with the group makes it possible to win greater public acceptance or to work out a compromise. Media relations, press articles, websites, Twitter, YouTube, PSE, folders, leaflets, educational programmes for inhabitants of the communes in which an investment is planned, meetings arranged by contractors and directly. Media relations, press articles, websites, Twitter, YouTube, PSE, folders, leaflets, educational programmes for inhabitants of the communes in which an investment is planned, meetings arranged by contractors and directly.
Protest committees, local leaders of protests and social actions Local initiatives resulting from a lack of public acceptance of a solution being considered, and representing interests of the whole community or a selected group. Official correspondence, participation in meetings and during protest actions.
Employees, management staff of PSE CG Committed and motivated employees and management staff largely determine PSE's operating efficiency. Employees' level of being informed and their work satisfaction are of key significance to employee commitment building. The code of ethics and value-guided conduct, intranet, PSE impact report presenting in an integrated manner financial and non-financial data, information leaflets, communication of strategic projects, questionnaire surveys, communication of changes being put into effect, direct meetings, integration meetings, corporate events, company newspaper Przesył, newsletter.
Employees of PSE CG involved in the investment process Committed and motivated employees, management staff, and principles of business ethics largely determine the company's operating efficiency. Employees' level of being informed and their work satisfaction are of key significance to employee commitment building. In addition to tools addressed to all employees, additional tools supporting their current work include specialist folders, dedicated training and Q&A documents.
Local and regional associations Local and regional NGOs working towards development of a given area, e.g. commune, village or poviat. Provision of comprehensive and reliable information on investments, with special focus on the planned line location and route and the opinion of representatives of local communities – direct meetings and promotional materials (folder) and website.
Environmental NGOs and associations Local, regional and national non-governmental organisations for the protection of the natural environment or wildlife, or involved in green initiatives in particular areas. Direct meetings with representatives of associations, provision of information materials, with special focus on environmental issues and the investor's related activities.
Business partners Companies cooperating with PSE at the pre-investment stage and performing services contracted by the company. Information on security policy, ISO certificates and anti-corruption policy provided by employees at meetings with partners and peers.
Indirect activities
Media (national, regional, industry) Provide information, form opinions on investment projects. Press conferences, briefings, workshops for journalists, individual meetings (articles, interviews), Twitter, sponsored articles, trade supplements to newspapers, expert magazine, press kits, presentations, website, PSE impact report presenting in an integrated manner financial and non-financial data.
Central administration, Parliament Ministries and central authorities, parliamentarians – especially those on parliamentary committees and teams. Individual meetings, presentations, folders, industry and economic conferences, website, PSE impact report presenting in an integrated manner financial and non-financial data, expert magazine.
Contractors (generators, distributors, traders) A group of entities cooperating with PSE on a permanent basis, bound by agreements. Individual meetings, industry conferences, workshops, expert magazine, PSE impact report presenting in an integrated manner financial and non-financial data, website.
*In our activities, we attach special importance to building lasting relations and using various methods of dialogue with our stakeholders.

We communicate with our partners through multiple channels. The frequency of contacts depends on PSE's needs and our stakeholders' queries.
  • 47

    events and conferences
    with the participation of PSE experts in 2018 r.

  • 57

    PSE experts involved
    in industry events, debates, seminars, forums and congresses held in 2018.

  • 8

    more than 8,000 publications
    on various areas of PSE’s activity appeared in 2018, of which more than 99.87 percent were of a positive or neutral character.

  • 51

    (including PPS and BM data) generated automatically from PSE’s website in 2018.