PSE’s Strategy has been prepared considering strategic resources, roles resulting from the mission and vision of the company and the goals to achieve.
Business strategy
PSE’s strategy is a response to the challenges facing the company, resulting from a rapidly changing environment of PSE, including mainly changes of a technological and regulatory nature, as well as building a common Internal Energy Market.
Regulations have set a new framework for the activities of transmission system operators. Technologies, in particular the digitalisation of the power sector and changing consumer behaviour, will influence the operators’ current and shape new areas of activity.
Regulations have set a new framework for the activities of transmission system operators. Technologies, in particular the digitalisation of the power sector and changing consumer behaviour, will influence the operators’ current and shape new areas of activity.
Business strategy
Vision, mission, lines of action and strategic objectives
PSE Vision
PSE contributes to the European electricity market for the secure and efficient operation of the Polish Power System, following the principle of equal treatment of market participants and caring for the interest of future generations.
PSE Mission
Through care for network infrastructure and improvement of the power system operation management, PSE guarantees its reliable and efficient operation.
PSE Values
PSE builds its vision and mission on three values: reliability, credibility and responsibility.
PSE is a reliable partner for electricity consumers, generators, distribution system operators, market operators, power exchanges, the regulator, and the Government of Poland. The company ensures continuity of short- and long-term electricity supply based on actions leading to efficient management of threats to continuity of electricity supply from the transmission network.
PSE is a reliable partner for electricity consumers, generators, distribution system operators, market operators, power exchanges, the regulator, and the Government of Poland. The company ensures continuity of short- and long-term electricity supply based on actions leading to efficient management of threats to continuity of electricity supply from the transmission network.
By its activities, PSE confirms that it has all competence necessary to perform its duties and fulfil its mission. Compliance with corporate governance and internal procedures guarantee operation stability and lasting relations with business partners.
By its activities, PSE confirms that it has all competence necessary to perform its duties and fulfil its mission. Compliance with corporate governance and internal procedures guarantee operation stability and lasting relations with business partners.
In all its activities, PSE cares about future generations, the natural environment, energy security of the country, and the position of Poland’s economy in the world.
In all its activities, PSE cares about future generations, the natural environment, energy security of the country, and the position of Poland’s economy in the world.

PSE’s lines for action
Our company’s activities are determined by four principal lines of action:
Line 1 ─ Security Dimension
Balancing initiatives aimed at maintaining the security of the Polish Power System and efficient management of tariff measures.
Balancing initiatives aimed at maintaining the security of the Polish Power System and efficient management of tariff measures.
Line 2 ─ External and Internal Dimensions
Balancing initiatives aimed at standing up to risks that surface in the company’s environment and improving internal processes.
Balancing initiatives aimed at standing up to risks that surface in the company’s environment and improving internal processes.
Line 3 ─ Future Dimension
Initiatives oriented at future solutions in the field of security and economics of the power system.
Initiatives oriented at future solutions in the field of security and economics of the power system.
Line 4 ─ Economy Dimension
Initiatives aimed at increasing organisational efficiency and building a company based on continuous improvement, which allows quality and productivity to be enhanced while gradually limiting all kind of actions having a negative impact on efficiency.
Initiatives aimed at increasing organisational efficiency and building a company based on continuous improvement, which allows quality and productivity to be enhanced while gradually limiting all kind of actions having a negative impact on efficiency.
PSE’s strategic objectives
The lines for action taken are reflected in the strategic objectives we pursue.
We are pursuing PSE’s Strategy through 7 core objectives, 24 specific objectives and 62 strategic initiatives, supported by operational initiatives.
PSE’s strategic objectives
Fending off external threats
- Management of the risk of loss of ability to control/manage the operation of the PPS, related to cyber-attacks against IT/OT systems of the transmission system operator and distribution system operators, generators, traders, exchanges or industrial consumers
- 2. Management of the risk of unavailability of infrastructure by developing cooperation with government administration in order to ensure joint and several responsibility for the physical security of the Company's facilities and for ensuring adequate measures to protect IT and technical resources, and protection from hostile actions
Key initiatives executed under the strategy:
PSE CG Cybersecurity Programme Conducting anti-terrorist security training events and exercises -
Representing interests of the national electricity market
- Reducing tariff costs by decreasing unscheduled flows, achieved through coordination of the capacity calculation process, including the management of phase shifter settings and costly remedial actions such as redispatching, covering all PPS borders with the DA and ID Flow-Based Market Coupling mechanism.
- Management of the regulatory risk arising from the provisions of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package.
Key initiatives executed under the strategy:
Management of the regulatory risk arising from provisions of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package” Participation in the SIDC international project leading to the implementation of single intraday coupling at EU level -
Security for future generations
- Long-term security of electricity supply. Implementing the capacity market and supporting tools.
- Pursuing the Strategy for Sustainable Development. Responsibility for the impact of the Company's operations on the national economy, natural environment and society.
Key initiatives executed under the strategy:
Supporting the government administration in the notification of the Polish capacity market mechanism to the European Commission -
Responsible development
- Full network model with integrated acquisition of electricity and ancillary services as a basis for efficient electric power markets. Introduction of locational pricing as a mechanism that coordinates the functioning of generating and load resources and improving the quality of investment signals.
- Avoiding the transfer to future generations of the stranded costs of depreciation of assets that have lost their usefulness due to a change in the operation of the power system.
- PSE's care of public interests (system data and metering information).
- Innovations aimed at adjusting the system to a new shape of markets and new technologies (electromobility, multi-agent systems, local balancing zones, IoT, energy storage, distributed generation, and change of the energy mix).
- Facilities covering electricity demand in periods of insufficient generation at sources (electricity storage facilities or peak sources).
- Provision of the Polish Power System resources for electricity supply to consumers
Key initiatives executed under the strategy:
Upgrading the methods and tools supporting the zonal balancing market Energy Market Information Operator -
Stable operation of the system
- Operation continuity – planning, implementing, testing and improving procedures related to the Company's day-to-day operations.
- Improving, through the continuous improvement process, the transmission infrastructure operation model of the Polish Power System based on Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Techniques.
- Intervention DSR service.
Key initiatives executed under the strategy:
Development of DSR IP services and contracting reduction capacity -
Money spent better
- Implementing investment projects and improving the New Investment Implementation Model.
- Improving the balancing market model
- Automation of business processes
PSE resources
- Smart PSE
- Adaptive capacity of the Company: know-how, structures and internal procedures prepared for quick legislative changes taking place in the energy market, and the technical and organisational requirements of new solutions.
- Human capital: employee development, competence management, job evaluation, strengthening the organisational culture based on responsibility and professionalism.
- PPS and energy market data.
- Finance transformation at PSE as a project aimed to streamline and modify the operation of the finance area at the Company.
- New Health Safety Environment Quality (HSEQ) management model.